Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mr. Hubbard Strikes Again.

In the Acquisitions Department, we receive shipments of new materials nearly every day. Today, amid the soul-crushingly vast conglomeration of boxes that comprised the shipment, was a box from my good friends at Bridge Publications. As you may recall, I've received packages from them before. What was different about this shipment was that I happened to have called to my attention the tiny little text that reads "Publisher of the non-fiction works of L. Ron Hubbard" and I did not open the box. And having gotten the go-ahead, from our religion bibliographer, to trash any and all unsolicited Scientology materials, I joyfully proceeded to write on the box, with a thick black sharpie, the words "return to sender."


Brett VanBenschoten said...

Several of us in the Medical Library field dealt with that this/last week. Seems every year or two we have to go through this. The first time it happened I was on the job for 3 weeks. I had no idea what to do! I ended up keeping them on a shelf in the back for 9 months before finally trashing them.

Lindsey said...

Every year or two?! You're lucky!

Anonymous said...

When you return to sender, does it have to go through NASA?

rockin' ricky rialto said...

every time you return scientology material, you make Tom Cruise cry.
