Monday, August 25, 2008


It is time for a new academic year to begin. The faculty have returned, well rested, from their summer vacations. The freshmen have arrived for orientation and are already groggy from freedom-inspired bouts of binge drinking. Of course, the library has to have a theme for everything. This year's orientation theme is space exploration. And I have been asked to wear a badge that reads, "Mission Control Research Group." When my supervisor handed it to me this morning, I looked at her incredulously, and as she returned my incredulity I realized that she wasn't joking.


Anonymous said...

Haha, I still liked my idea of the Ghostbusters theme...

Anonymous said...

oh my. at least you don't have to dress in astronaut gear.

Lindsey said...

That's what the inflatable monkey is for.

Anonymous said...

Houston, we have a problem

Brett VanBenschoten said...

Lord am I glad I quit.

Anonymous said...

Wow. We do some of that in our library, but for our programs for young children. I mean, in a college library, you're supposed to maintain a certain modicum of decorum... right?

Anonymous said...

I would expect that at Framingham State where we had a whole Christa McAuliffe center and everything, but not out where you are... interesting...