Sunday, May 10, 2009

Psycho. Volume 2.

Yesterday morning, I found myself at Los Angeles International Airport, having booked myself a flight to Boston that was to depart at 7:30 am. As you might imagine, I was a bit groggy, and was dragging myself from Starbucks, at one end of the terminal, to my gate (#41), at the other end of the terminal. In fact, most of the waiting passengers seemed quite lethargic as well, except for one. All of a sudden I saw a frantic woman running toward me and managed to, mostly, get out of the way before she sideswiped me. Some moments later, almost at my gate, I feel, what seems like a human body, hit me from behind and keep going at high speed. It was the same frenzied woman. And she heads for, you guessed it, gate #41. Great.


Shamaqua said...

a chicken with its head cut off

rockin' ricky rialto said...

she just wanted some of your chips


Lindsey said...

I told you, they were pretzels. OMG I hate Itnernt Explrer ther's no spel cheque. Xesocite.

Anonymous said...

Did you smack her and call her a douche?

Lindsey said...

Nope, she was too fast for me.