Friday, October 17, 2008

A Lunch-Time Mishap.

Today I went to the College's employee recognition ceremony. No, I was not recognized for anything, but several of my co-workers were. After the event, there was lunch served outside. There were lots of tables placed strategically in the burning hot sun. There were other tables, those tall ones at which one is expected to stand, or I suppose, employ a tall chair (though there were none afforded us). One of my co-workers and I, having gotten our lunch, went to find a shady spot. We came upon a vacant standing-up-type table, though it was in a sunnier region than we would have liked. My co-worker suggested that we carry the small table to a shadier area which was only a few yards away. So, we put our food down on the table top and carried our table off to this new area. We were almost there when, much to our surprise and chagrin, the bottom of the table fell off, with a clatter, to the ground. We were left standing, helplessly, holding our table top and lunches, slightly panicked and uncertain as to our fate. Luckily, a passerby came to our aid and we proceeded to our destination unscathed.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the bottom part is what I saw on the side of the 110 the other day, from a Donnie Darko style time vortex, it being metal and all!

Brett VanBenschoten said...
